Congrats to all members for completing 5 years of First Crush..
We are thinking of some interesting additions next year.. If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know
Music Mania- http://musicmania-firstcrush.
(This website is like a Music Channel where in you can see all the
latest buzzing videos in one shot rather then searching through all the
content on you tube)
We have done a major revamp of the Blog layout to give you a more enhanced view of the content, you tube videos will appear larger and also the site layout has been revamped completely.
Facebook - firstcrushpage
Facebook is the way to go and we will try to see how we can increase our activity on Facebook. We need all of you to share what you feel like on this page.
We are thinking of some interesting additions next year.. If you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know
Music Mania- http://musicmania-firstcrush.
We have done a major revamp of the Blog layout to give you a more enhanced view of the content, you tube videos will appear larger and also the site layout has been revamped completely.
Facebook -
Facebook is the way to go and we will try to see how we can increase our activity on Facebook. We need all of you to share what you feel like on this page.