Check out an excellent office game Stress Buster Game and a mind boggling Lateral thinking quiz uploaded on our Shared Drive..
Check dem out on 4 using the password mentioned in our shared drive post.
Rulez :
For Game:
Highest scorer to post a screen shot of the game onto the Shared Drive by his/her name.
For Quiz
After completing post it again on our Shared Drive after renaming it and appending your name at the end:
We will post your names on our Bulletin Board
“Duetos n’Avenida” junta Puto Português e Patricia Faria na primeira noite
de concerto
Em declarações à agência Lusa, Marlene Lopes, ligada à organização,
explicou que a ideia foi concebida pela empresa Zona Jovem Promoções, para
6 years ago